Thursday, November 25, 2010

What's this?

This will be a page of random thoughts, strange perceptions & thoughtful opinions about stuff that I care to talk about.  Is it vain to think that anyone cares about your blog, what you have to say, or is it just a way that a person can blow off steam & send it out into cyberspace without annoying, or challenging, the people that are around you, in your life.  I think it's the latter.  

It is therapy to just "blog" something about a thing/topic & see if anyone bites.  Like fishing, but without the cruel mangling & murdering of innocent beings.  Not that a good argument about something that you have passion for won't leave you feeling a little mangled...

We'll see.  I tend to lean towards the light & fluffy of the world but that is not to say that there are not endless things that I feel passionate about which are less than light...or fluffy.