Monday, October 17, 2011

All the leaves have gone...

Apparently I have had nothing to rant about since the spring!  LOL That must be a good sign.

Of course I have plenty to say about plenty but I've been in the mood to keep a lot to myself that wouldn't bring a smile to others folks' faces.

It's such a natural desire to run around & tell as many who will listen about the things that have ruffled your feathers or just made you outright insane because the issue/person/thing is so far away from how you view it should be.  Life is kinda funny that way.

We would all like things to go as we want them to go, people to behave how we would like them to, & of course to be able to eat/drink every single thing you want without worrying about the size of your bum!!

This is life.  Unexpected.  Unscripted. Unbelievably fortunate to be living one.

To those who are are missed daily.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Because You've Got to Have Friends

I would like to point out that many of you have developed friendships with people over this space aged thingy that they call the Internet.  Great friendships, but private ones for the most part; your friends & family may not be aware of your very good long distance friends.  

In light of one of my very good friends recent experience, having her house blasted nearly apart by a tornado, I felt that I should encourage people to have some sort of emergency notification buddy who would, in the event of the unimaginable, be willing to send a note to your long distance peeps so that they know if something has indeed happened, rather than just an open ended disappearance from online.  No one wants one of their friends to be missing.

My dear Annie showed just why I love her, & I do, for when I called to see how she was, her reply was "well I don't live in the woods anymore".  Her unbelievable sense of humour having close to 100 of her 40 year old trees uprooted lets me know she'll be just fine.  A major remodel to plan, cats & 'coons to keep her busy & smiling & wonderful neighbours chipping in.  Who wouldn't for such a wonderful woman!!  Glad you are safe love!!

How can I not drive down with my guitar for Anniestock now???

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Always On My Mind...

The removal of someone from your life is really very extraordinary.  They were there, & now they are gone.  You have no choice but to accept it & move on with your own life.  Even more bizarre is that one day, I will be the missing person in the lives of those who know & care about me.  

Sure, it's the natural order in the world.  Birth, life, death.  It's the attachment that you are never truly prepared for; or better yet, the detachment.  A lifetime of memories can be created in a very short time.  It furthers my reasoning that you should really use your time wisely in life with the people that you care about.  One day they may be gone.  I'm not talking about people that come & go, living their lives somewhere that you are not, but when your person ceases to exist on the planet.  It's really very odd.  Natural, but odd.


To my lost ones, you are missed & always in my heart.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Deep Breaths

Some days I feel that I really have had about all I can stand.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No Time Left To Lose ♫

Ok, so yesterday our very own nuclear power plant had an "issue" where a pump seal "failed".  The result, 73,000 litres of demineralized water pumped into our lovely Lake Ontario.  Watching the news this evening, the poor bastard that was put up as a spokesman for the Pickering Power Plant stated that this is nothing really new, but they have not been forced to report it as news.  Since the words "Nuclear Meltdown" is melting down nearly everyone's brain at this point, attention is intently focused on those nuclear power plants that are here in Ontario.

OPG Statement

Not to be out-shined by a mere nuclear scare, we were presented with the news that we had indeed experienced an earthquake earlier today with the epicentre in Ontario & felt in areas of Quebec as well. Odd as it seems, I have felt 2 earthquakes here in Ontario in the last 10 years, one last summer, the other several years ago.  The latter significant enough for me to see my office walls moving & make me nauseas. Very surreal but nothing more than a breeze compared to the severity of others in the world.  I have so much respect for all of you who have lived, & are living through, such a frightening display of the this planets' rage.  I do not like feeling frightened; & I am.

Worldwide Earthquake Activity

Lots of fluffy emails come & go saying "live every day like it is your last" & "dance like no one is watching"...I usually delete them to be honest, but the bottom line, amidst the end of days predictions, be them from persons who are religious, scientific minds, cosmic theorists, odd shaped potato chips, whatever your regular source of information is...if you have people you love, love them, if you have people you miss, talk to them, if there are things you want to do or say in your life.... do them.  Waiting to tell someone how you feel about them is just, well, dumb.

I'm not sure if I am CNN shocked or what is happening, but I do know that I appreciate each day that I get to wake up & talk to the people I care about & know that they care about & love me.  It is a really great feeling that should not have to be provoked by fear but the fact that my perspective has forever changed is a quiet blessing.

Peace, Man

Don't forget to take the time & get yourself a huge glass of green beer!  You deserve it.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sending Out An S.O.S...

I'm all for peace; anyone who knows me, knows that.  I do not wish any harm to come to any living being.  I wish that all living creatures, humans included, could just live their lives as happily, & in as much peace, as possible.  

BUT, I am nearly losing my mind over the state of affairs in the world.  As the West (USA & Canada) continue to be shit all over in the world media, financial aid, military personnel, medical workers, & volunteers never stop in their assistance to any country that needs help & asks for it.  Have mistakes been made over the years? Most certainly, but nevertheless, the West never shirks its responsibility to help our fellow humans on the planet.  

I am wondering though, how much longer the "brains" of the West are going to continue grabbing their ankles & saying harder please, while the debt of the countries increase, the respect worldwide lessens & other countries who are raking in the trillions (China) roll out their latest military might for the 6 o'clock news with shit eating grins all over their faces?  

Seriously WTF!  I think that if I took a hammer & hit myself in the head until I passed out I would feel less pain than I do knowing that the powers that be are morally corrupt, money hungry, oil greedy, nature raping, self congratulating, selfish assholes.  

On a nicer note, it is wonderful to see the humans of the planet coming to the aid of those who in the recent months have desperately needed it.  Even if you have no money to offer, can not fly anywhere to volunteer, you can always give blood or just even give people a smile every day.  Someone might just receive your smile & think holy shit, there is kind human life on this planet; & they may be inspired enough to do something for someone else too!  

Life is short people.  How do we let the people in charge lead us into needless worry & terror on a daily basis?  Mother Nature has shown us that she is the one in charge at the end of the day.  Do we really need further molesting from our governments?

Save Our Souls indeed.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Use Your Voice

Petition to Stop Seal Hunt

I did something today that I have only done once before.  I challenged a strangers opinion online.

A twitter folk is very adamantly telling people in the twitterverse that they should not visit Canada due to the annual seal hunt/cull that takes place here.  Is it disgusting? Yes.  Is it long overdue that it is stopped? Yes?  But does it reflect on Canada & it's people as a whole?  No.  Outside of the people who are directly involved with this mistakingly murderous mayhem, you will be hard pressed to find the average Canadian who believes that this is a good thing.  Not for the country, not for the world.

The twitterer that I was responding to was suggesting that people go to Australia to vacation, but I pointed out that there is the sanctioned "harvest" of Kangaroos in that country.  They also suggested the UK, well there is the good old fox hunt that takes place there.

As a vegan animal lover it hurts my heart to know that there are people in the world who hold no value in the life of animals.  If you look a little deeper at some of these people you will find that they have little regard for their fellow human being as well.  I could produce endless links for you to examine about the horrors that animals in our world face but if you are the type of person that truly cares, you likely already know.  There is no middle ground for either side in this.

A good start if you want to make a change is use your voice.  If your path takes your further then good for you, but every little bit helps.

Petition to Stop Seal Hunt

Go ahead, add your name, & your voice!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happiness Is....

What can I say?  Today I feel HAPPY!!! Most people think happiness is a state of being, that is sustained at all times; it's not.  It's those wonderful moments in your heart & mind when you feel at peace with the life you are living & with the people who are in your life.  It is a collection of moments.

Today the sun is shining, the sky is blue & despite is being super chilly outside the birds are singing.  I swear I heard the cardinal's spring love song in the air two days ago!!  I think he was happy too!  It's amazing if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other how a positive path may unfold under your little toes!  I suppose I could be suffering from a chocolate high from my lovely gift of Valentines Day chocolates!  Yummy!  Thank you. xo

Today my thanks goes out to the universe for putting the right pieces of my life together at the right time.


Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle & the life of 
the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared!!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Stick That in Your Ear!

Yes, I own a cell phone.  Yes, I use my cell phone....almost 99.9% on speaker.  In general, I'm not a fan of holding a regular phone to my ear so I can strain to hear the caller, or hold it out away from my ear so as not to lose my hearing!

I find myself perplexed though at the amount of people, young & old, who are walking around with a ear piece stuck to the side of their head.  Growing up, one of the grossest things that anyone could have happen is for a "friend" to come up unbeknownst to you & stick their finger in your ear!

I enjoy my fair share of technology, but this is one trend that I just do not understand.  Are we not to have 5 minutes of peace in our lives?  Can we not bear to be alone in our minds at all?  I am a huge fan of silence; & I'm a musician!  But alas, my truest motto will stand, to each their own.

An honorable mention goes to those people who are still texting/talking while driving despite there being a $155 fine enforced!  Oh, to be so important!

Risk Fact Sheet

Mobile phone radiation & health

Cell Phone Radiation Levels