Thursday, January 12, 2012

People Are People

Wow...nearly 3 months without a rant! Hee Hee.  It's not that I haven't had many things come & go in my life but it is my wish to try & let more things go for the betterment of my health, state of mind & my soul.

Besides, who can you really change except yourself?  Have you ever tried to give really great advice to someone close to you that if they followed it could escape endless hours of frustration, tears & even regret? Nope, you just can't help anyone else live their lives.  And rather than constantly feeling like smashing your poor tired brain against something very hard, you must take the time that you have on the planet & well, live the hell out of it.  It's yours.  It belongs to you.  You are in charge of it.  It is your right & sometimes duty, to make changes to keep moving forward & bringing joy & happiness into your life & to try & live the best life you can.  The stuff is just stuff & stuff is worth nothing.  There will always be some bullshit to deal with; how you deal with it will determine your enjoyment of life.

Here is what I know.  Just keep breathing. In. Out. Repeat.

If you aren't happy, then make yourself happy.  No one can help you live YOUR life.  It is a unique thing unto oneself & if you can manage to not let the influence of others who bring to your doorstep, drama, pain, insanity, frustration, aggravation & plain old crap find it's way onto your path, then good for you.  I'm not saying don't help your friends or family...I'm just saying, you are important in this world.  Help yourself keep connecting happy moments & well, be happy. Life is really 'effing short!

Just saying...